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Assembling Kits and Virtual Lessons

Although stay at home orders and social distancing regulations have disrupted science education, Biopolis is working to bring the lab to our students with experiments they can do from wherever they are. To accomplish this, we assemble kits for simple, but engaging, science labs which are then delivered to our students. We also create video lessons and worksheets to accompany each kit and explain the relevant scientific concepts behind each experiment. 

We have delivered these kits and virtual lessons multiple times to the children from Solutions From Change and to our Virtual 2020 Science Enrichment Classes students and received overwhelmingly positive responses!


Unfortunately, we are unable to reach all students who need quality science education during this pandemic. Please request a kit free of charge using the link below and we will be in contact with you. 

Request Kits Here

Sample video 1: Exploring Acids, Bases, and the PH Scale

sample video 2: Exploring DNA - Extracting DNA from Cheek Cells


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